Emirates Airline manual of Uniform and Grooming standards for cabin crew

Uniform standards for Emirates cabin crew

MA dissertation entitled: "Living with Plastics : Museums, Materials and Culture"

Drawing of details of cover for safety valve

Drawing of brake bracket clamp plate

Drawing of details of brass cover for steam dome


Set of photographic prints taken from 51 glass plate negatives illustrating the work of J. A. Brashear Co. and J. W. Fecker Co.

Drawing of stud for brake bracket

Drawing of square nut for boiler cover

Drawing of studbolt for boiler cover

Drawing of turnbuckle

Drawing of joint

Drawing of nozzle connector

Drawing of mounting foot

Drawing of eccentric rod bolt

Drawing of eccentric pin

Drawing of pedal link shaft bracket

Drawing of extension block

Drawing of lubricator spool

Drawing of general arrangement independent chain drive

Drawing of drive lever (air pump)

Drawing of joint

Drawing of joint

Drawing of pin

Drawing of pressure relief flange

1 file containing 4 items

Technical Reports relating to MP4-7A formula 1 racing car

1 item

"UK national consensus conference on plant biotechnology" a final report


Letter from Professor Ian Bremner to Dr Peter Collins relating to the work carried out by Dr Pusztai on transgenic potatoes


Technical manual, ‘Monarch Field Manual for BT field engineers’, Issue 1 April 1996, for the BT Monarch Call Connect system

1 book

"Biotechnology in the public sphere: A European sourcebook"

1 item

"Rethinking risk a pilot multi-criteria mapping of a genetically modified crop in agricultural systems in the UK" by Andy Stirling and Sue Mayer

1 item

Monsanto Backgrounder briefing notes "Plant biotechnology at Monsanto"

1 item

"Handbook for action: Genetix Snowball a campaign of nonviolent civil responsibility" a guide for GM protestors on ways to remove GM crops without destroying farmland

The painting shows Roy Chadwick at Woodford Aerodrome in front of a number of aircraft he designed for A. V. Roe & Co.

Painting of Roy Chadwick by Edmund Miller.


Letter from Professor Michael Wilson to Mr Chris Towner concerning the Friends of the Earth ‘Picnic’ at the HRI Wellesbourne Site in the Stratford-upon-Avon Herald on 5 August

1 item

"Uncertain world genetically modified organisms, food and public attitudes in Britain" by Robin Grove-White, Phil Machaghten, Sue Mayer and Brian Wynne


E-mail from Harriett Butchko to Professor Michael Wilson concerning an article "Scientist revolt at publication of ‘flawed’ GM study" published in the ‘Independent’ newspaper

Press release announcing Boddingtons sponsorship of the Manchester Festival of Arts and Television

Press release announcing Boddingtons sponsorship of the Manchester Festival of Arts and Television

2 items

Supply Chain Initiative on Modified Agricultural Crops (SCIMAC) Introduction to SCIMAC

2 items

FACT 400 Palatine The Factory Story 1979-1990

1 roll

General arrangement deluge valve assembly

Spiral bound document showing performance data for 6XLB, 6HLXB, 6LXCT and 6HLXCT engines. Includes photocopies of technical drawings and information sheets.

Document: Automotive performance data for 6LXB, 6HLXB, 6LXCT and 6HLXCT engines

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: Press cuttings and coverage

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: Press cuttings

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: Press cuttings

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: Press cuttings and coverage

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: Press cuttings

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: press releases

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: newspaper cuttings

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Public Affairs Department: Press cuttings

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Committees: National Railway Museum Advisory Board